How do you balance working, writing and children?
How do you balance working, writing and children? The answer for me, with difficulty, I’m exhausted. Finding time for me is impossible when I want to write. Also researching and trying to get your head around your projects.
So, what am I working on?
1. Last month I decided to write 10 000 words for Chapter Buzz, I managed to write 20 000 words in March, (not alll entered on Chapter Buzz). I am developing my The Secret time warp short story into a novel. I have now received an email to inform me that I won the most buzz award. An achievement for me. Whilst doing Chapter Buzz I submitted some of my writing to their online magazine. My short version of True love at last, now published.
2. My brain right now is stuffed full of time travel. I’m sat here now watching ‘Ancient Aliens’ on the history channel. So new thought for me now, are the Alien sightings actually the human race travelling between lifetimes? If evolution exists then it makes sense for us to still be evolving.
3. Thoughts on people on Mars. They are talking today of sending people to Mars. Are the sightings again us from the future time traveling? They are talking now of how people on Mars will evolve and what they will look like. Slim bodies and slim heads.
They are also suggesting that there was once life on Mars, that got wiped out by a nuclear explosion. There is so much evidence now of their having been life on Mars, it does make you think. There is so much that we are questioning right now.
4. With technology becoming more and more advanced, surely it makes sense that one day someone will invent a time machine. So one day will people go on holiday to Mars? And will we go on holiday to different centuries? Will we all step into a time machine and be taken back or forward through the years?
5. I am also reading about different philosophers and their theories on time. It is an interesting subject.
6. I am now doing Camp nano, I said I would write 20 000 words again but this month I am struggling more with time and tiredness.
My head is swimming with all this and more. However, now at 24000 words and knowing I have about 50 000 to write, I know I have so much further to go. It’s not good when I’m driving around during my work day, imagining the past and future. Thinking about what to write next. I’m possibly becoming a time travelling bore, however thankfully daddy is joining in with my philosophising.
The children
1. Making time for them and for their homework, they are so important. Today all of my daughter’s class were star of the week due to being so good on their school trip. I am very proud of both my children, despite the difficulties we have. Last week we built a castle, or mummy built the castle, my 5 year old coloured the moat.
Well along with my writing, trying to listen to both kids read, manage the house and life, maybe I didn’t spend enough time on the castle. Today in assembly all the children in her year group had castles or drawings. The head teacher commented on the amazing castles on either side of hers. I felt sorry for her, all my fault. I should have told her to colour the cardboard in brown felt tip pen and add more detail. We did it late, I was tired and I gave up on telling her to do it.
2. My son’s homework, he can write, he can draw, but getting him just to do it is not always easy. This week we gave up. He did the writing and daddy helped to draw a salad.
3. Next week is school holidays and I am not at work. However, I do have the children. Very little writing will get done, but focusing on the children is so important. Managing the balance of all priorities. They come first, before anything else.
Working, writing and children do add pressures, I think I need to find time for a bubble bath, a bit of calm amongst the stress.
So, what have I planned?
1. Spending time with friends. Finding time to relax, time away from the work drama. Does anyone struggle to turn off their work email? I have my out of office message on, but I do check it, I can’t help it.
2. Maybe a walk in the woods or just time in the fresh air and countryside. I’m hoping the weather is good.
3. Trying to spend as little time as possible on technology, which could prove exhausting for me. The iPad and iPod make very good (or bad, depending on how you look at it) baby sitters.
4. Just trying to have some quality time, rather than me constantly getting stressed with them.
5. Maybe we can read a book together. My 5 year olds reading and comprehension has come a long way over the last few months. She is enjoying it and understanding a lot more.
Balancing working, writing, and children is hard work and many of us are doing it. I need a holiday, far away. Though I would be bored, missing my family and wanting to be at home, living my stressful life.
So what are your thoughts on time travel? Do Aliens exist? Will, we one day be able to travel back to the Jurassic era? The amount we have learned but, also still don’t know.
I wonder how the future years will evolve. If the earth is 4 billion years old then I guess it will be here for many years yet. Question is will man? Will we live on Mars? The evidence of life on Mars now, are the Martians there but hiding in a different time parallel? They don’t want to be seen by us, could we really handle it? Would we be capturing and studying them? Did we inhabit Mars before inhabiting the earth? There are so many unanswered questions.
How do you balance your working, writing, and children? We undertake so much in our daily lives, there is so much that needs our time and our attention.

Stevie Turner
I didn’t start writing until my kids had left home. It would have been impossible for me to write while they lived at home.
Just muddling through life
Thanks, It’s hard work Stevie. Today I want to do my writing for blog battle, I’ve just had to bring in a load of washing as its raining. Put a new load of washing on. The kids are refusing to tidy their rooms. My 5 year old is crying for food. Daddy is watching tv with our 7 year old. My dad is tiling our bathroom and I’m sure would love a mug of tea.. and me, well I’m getting more stressed it’s nearly 13.00 and I haven’t started writing yet.
Stevie Turner
You’re very brave – I wouldn’t have even contemplated doing any writing when my kids were that young. Too many domestic duties, lol.
Just muddling through life
It’s hard keeping up with it all! Thanks Stevie.
What frustrates me is people who say ‘wait til they’re grown.’
I love my kid and want to have another one.
I also want to write books. We can do both, and our children deserve parents who are happy and fulfilled within ourselves. I’ve started to write in batches at night. It’s working.
Write on Marian, but don’t forget to breathe.
Just muddling through life
Yes a very long time for both of us to wait until they are grown. I would love another too, but really two is enough. writing in batches does sound a good idea. maintaining that balance is key.. Thanks Lorna
You Can Always Start Now
You run on a different gas than me. This month my challenge is to take one day a week social media (including email) free. Could you try this? No going on Facebook groups, Instagram nothing just for one day. Take that time for…..
Just muddling through life
Thanks! you are very good, I would find that very hard! however you do make a good point.. i’m always checking facebook and email. I’m scared of missing something…
A wise woman once told me to give the hardest project to the busiest person because “the busiest people get things done”. Sounds like you’re one of them (!)
Just muddling through life
Thanks so much.. just trying to keep going!
Rebecca Moon Ruark
Just read a very interesting article on balancing the demands of kids, work, and other pursuits. I’ll paste the link here. https://jamesclear.com/four-burners-theory Basically, we can’t do it all well is his theory. Something has to fall by the wayside. We have to outsource something–or focus on the different priorities at different times in our life. I didn’t start writing seriously again until my boys were in full-day school, but now I can fit it in. And hopefully, when they’re off to college I’ll have even more time to write–only 9 years to go! Ha!
Just muddling through life
thanks, well they are both at school, but I’m also working.. it is a juggling act.. at this moment, my 5 year old is riding her bike around the garden, laughing and my son is playing on the computer with daddy. I’m currently needing to write for my own sanity.. maybe another however many years when I have more time, I will be a better more productive writer.. for now I just do my best. thanks for the link x
Rebecca Moon Ruark
That’s all we can do–our best. And sometimes, I’ve found, it’s our craziest, busies times that inspire the most creativity. I’m sure you’ll figure out how to seize it. Sounds like you’ve gotten a lot of words on the page recently–that’s wonderful!
Just muddling through life
thank you Rebecca! im just trying to keep writing.. and maintain balance!!
Ellen Hawley
I have no experience to offer–I’m kidless–but I do offer my admiration to anyone who does balance them.
Just muddling through life
Thankyou Ellen.