Back to Saturday
Today started with my 7 year old crying for breakfast at 6.30am. He refused most of his dinner last night and would not eat my pumpkin pie, hence hungry this morning. It is frustrating that he will not wait for us to actually wake up before pestering. So daddy and I both lie there this morning, neither wanting to get up, trying to ignore the sound of Paw Patrol on the Ipod. Eventually I got a kick and was told it was my turn to get up and get his breakfast. Reluctantly I got out of bed and made my way downstairs. I am not a morning person, at night I can still be awake at 1 am, but mornings I like to lie there as long as I can.
So yesterday we had planned to make pumpkin pie and Jack O’ Lanterns. Both children were excited at first to help me with this. However my son got bored of pulling out the seeds and said he felt ill, my little girl carried on scraping.
We achieved two hollowed out pumpkins and I started cooking the pumpkin for the pie. The recipe said I needed 500g, our pumpkin weighed about 680g. I considered not cooking it all, then decided to cook it rather then waste it. I am not sure why but once cooked it was only about 410g when I weighed it again.
Both children had been excited about pumpkin pie, my 5 year old tried to help me make the pastry. She cried when I tried to explain that I needed to make the butter and flour stick together to make a ball. She wanted to help mix it which I’m sure you will agree it is not easy to make pastry and I did not want her hands in the bowl.
Here is the recipe that I used,
So I thought it looked nice and I was looking forward to eating some. The recipe says serves 16, you only need a small piece at a time. My 7 year old said “yuck”, my 5 year old said that she wanted some. We left it to cool down, planning to have some for pudding. We then started carving the pumpkins. We are all inexperienced but I was the only one to cut myself. My son did most of his but asked me to carve some triangles into it. My little girl watched but I did not want her to have a sharp knife anyway.
So we achieved two Jack O’ Lanterns and a pumpkin pie. My daughter decided she didn’t want her dinner as she wanted her pumpkin pie. Dinner was completely refused and there was no persuading her to eat it. I thought to myself, oh well pumpkin is a vegetable so there’s some goodness despite all the butter and sugar. I cut her a piece of pie and put it on a plate. She took one look at it and refused to eat it. How do you make a 5 year old eat? You can’t, well I can’t anyway. So that’s both kids who will not eat my pie. Thankfully daddy had some and has agreed to help me eat it.
We finished our day by lighting the lanterns, which then became an argument because my 7 year old blew his out by accident. Which then led to him trying to blow out his sister’s, I’m sure you can imagine the screaming. Eventually, they blew her’s out together as it was now bedtime.
So after our busy afternoon yesterday, today we still have homework to complete. I have hand washing to do and some ironing. The weather here has suddenly got colder. Hence despite getting up early, I am now back in bed typing this under my duvet. I do not like the cold, this is not my favourite time of year. We try and keep the heating off for as long as possible using the philosophy of wear another jumper but I think we will soon be giving in. My 7 year old can spend all day in his pants with his duvet wrapped around him, we call him duvet boy because he will not just leave it on his bed.
Anyway, I am now going to venture back downstairs, I might get myself some pumpkin pie. Then think about today’s jobs, also try and spend some quality time with my family, maybe try and get the kids to read with me. That’s if they will put their gadgets down, our ongoing battle. I’m going to go forward into the day now and get on with being mum.

Kids. They’re all about the wanna do… But can they be convinced to finish s task???
haha very rarely.. unless we help them – lots of persuasion and help!
Persuasion is key!
Yes definately, book still not read..
Yes its going to be embarrassing if tomorrow he has to tell his teacher he hasn’t read it, he’s had all week.
🤪 here’s hoping the teacher gets it!!!
Yes I hope so, thankyou
I’m a teacher. I think holidays should be for family, not homework, but… A little reading is good for all!!!
Yes well he has just managed 31 pages out of 47 pages.. so hopefully by bedtime it will be read. Thanks.
Yes getting there.